MINT: Weekend Market

Hall 13, Prague market, Bubenske nabrezi 306/13

MINT: Weekend Market is new exciting project. It started on October 1st and will occur every Saturday till Christmas. In The Prague Market (Pražská tržnice in Holešovice) we started to create periodical markets. It includes local food & delicatesen, independent fashion labels, design, bio cosmetics and books.

Free entry, weelchair accisiable, people and pets are welcome.

The project is inspired by London Camden Town and Bangkok weekend markets, therefore there is creative atmosphere,music production as well as little bit of punk feeling.

What is MINT. We have ten years experience organising big markets such as 16th editions of the Prague Fashion Market or Factory Fashion Market which happened for the 20th time this year in Brno. Moreover we participate on coordinating such a big events as Zažít město jinak, Ziva Ulice, Prague Pride, and Rock for Churchill.

We want both Praguers and tourists to have alternative to the big shopping centers and we want to make Czech design more available. The venue is an historical market, which we refresh with new energy, products and atmosphere.. Starting October you can now shop for local fashion, design and products every Saturday or can just come to hang out and chill.


Follow us on our Facebook page and Facebook event.

Where you can find us

Hall 13, Prague market, Bubenske nabrezi 306/13

Opening hours

SA 1.10. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 8.10. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 15.10. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 22.10. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 29.10. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 5.11. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 12.11. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 19.11. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 3.12. 09:00 – 18:00
SA 10.12. 09:00 – 18:00
SU 11.12. 09:00 - 18:00
SA 17.12. 09:00 – 18:00
SU 18.12. 09:00 - 18:00

On foot

V centru Prahy je vše kousek. Pokud dojdete k branám Pražské tržnice u Vltavy, jděte v areálu hned doprava a na konci doleva a už vidíte velkou ceduli s číslem 13! Nebo to můžete vzít z druhé strany, z ulice Komunardů vejdete do areálu, po levé straně uvidíte Alzu a před sebou Mountfield. Pokračujte stále za nosem cca 200m a po levé straně uvidíte naše šťastné číslo 13.

By boat

Tu romantiku prostě chcete zažít! Jeďte přívozem HolKa z Karlína do Holešovic. Na druhý břeh se z Karlína dostanete raz dva. Mrkněte na jízdní řád přívozu.

By public transport

Přiblížit se můžete metrem na zastávku Vltavská a pak už jen jednu zastávku tramvají a vystoupit, jakmile uslyšíte hlásit „Pražská tržnice“. Další variantou je přijet k areálu „zezadu“, tedy na zastávku Tusarova. Potom se vydejte podle instrukcí pro cestu Pěšky z ulice Komunardů až k hale 13.

By car

Auto nechte raději doma. A pokud přeci jen chcete dorazit autem, můžete zaparkovat v areálu Alzy prvního hodinu zdarma, ale ta vám určitě na nákupy stačit nebude ☺ Každá další hodina je za 40 Kč.

Who was there















Lenka Šašková

The principal of the markets, the organisation and the communication with sellers
+420 728 230 430

Lenka does not like to be called a manager, so she decided to become the principal. It is quite true that MINT is more like a colourful circus than a big corporate company. Before taking over the organisation of the markets, she studied curatorship with a focus on design, founded ÝBRKÝBL: Fashion bazaar and ate a zucchini for the first time.