Becva casu 2022

Sterkove jezero, Hustopece nad Becvou

Two years after the still unclear ecological accident on the Becva River, we want to continue the first year of Envirofest Becva 2021 with the Becva casu 2022 - ecological festival, which will take place on 9-11 September at Sterkove jezero (Lake) in Hustopece. Global problems not only in the area of ongoing climate change and environmental damage, but also the war in Ukraine. The philosophy of the Becva casu 2022 festival is therefore quite clear - the search for ways to live in harmony with the Earth, but also with oneself.

>> REGISTRATION for sellers is open. Terms & conditions you can find here. <<

Free admission for residents of Hustopece and Milotice!
Admission in advance for two days CZK 490.
Children under 15 and seniors admission free.

Follow the news on the official Facebook event so that you don't miss anything.

The festival will take place in cooperation with the town of Hustopece nad Becvou and the Jachta restaurant.

Where you can find us

Sterkove jezero, Hustopece nad Becvou

Opening hours

FR 17.00 - 20.00

SA 10.00 - 20.00

SU 10.00 - 15.00


Lenka Šašková

The principal of the markets, the organisation and the communication with sellers
+420 728 230 430

Lenka does not like to be called a manager, so she decided to become the principal. It is quite true that MINT is more like a colourful circus than a big corporate company. Before taking over the organisation of the markets, she studied curatorship with a focus on design, founded ÝBRKÝBL: Fashion bazaar and ate a zucchini for the first time.

Zbyněk Banán Hanko

+420 775 635 426

Banán always looks forward to the ‘boredom’ that kicks in about two hours after an even starts, when everything has been prepared, and things are running smoothly. In those moments, he can be seen strolling through the markets, enjoying the atmosphere, and talking with his friends selling their products and trying to figure out what else they could do together. But sometimes even he hides in the backstage and simply spends his time reading or sleeping.
