MINT Market Brno no. 45

Trznice Brno, Zelny trh

MINT Market Brno has reveled its next venue - Tržnice Brno in the city centre! The biggest Czech independent market with fashion, jewelery, design and delicacies will be held on December 11 - 13. The best shopping in the town! For info follow the official Facebook event.

Admission is as always free.

MINT is a group of people, who specify in event organisation for over ten years. We stand behind the MINT events in Prague, Brno, Pilsen, Ostrava etc. Moreover we participate on coordinating such a big events as Zažít město jinak, Ziva Ulice, Prague Pride, and Rock for Churchill. MINT can guarantee a pleasant atmosphere in unique venues.

Where you can find us

Trznice Brno, Zelny trh

Opening hours

FR 11.00 - 18.00

SA 10.00 - 18.00

SU 10.00 - 17.00

On foot

Zelný trh je v samém srdci Brna. Pokud se nacházíte na Náměstí svobody, vydejte se Masarykovou ulicí směrem k Hlavnímu nádraží a na křižovatce s ulicí Orlí a Zelný trh se dejte doprava a jste tu! Na pravé straně uvidíte funkcionalistickou budovu. A v ní najdete MINT market. Těšíme se na vás!

By public transport

Nejbližší zastávka se jmenuje Zelný trh. Odtud už jen asi 100m do kopce a jste na MINTu.

By car

Tady najdete několik tipů na parkování v Brně. Doporučujeme ale nechat tohoto čtyřnohého miláčka tentokrát doma.


Lenka Šašková

The principal of the markets, the organisation and the communication with sellers
+420 728 230 430

Lenka does not like to be called a manager, so she decided to become the principal. It is quite true that MINT is more like a colourful circus than a big corporate company. Before taking over the organisation of the markets, she studied curatorship with a focus on design, founded ÝBRKÝBL: Fashion bazaar and ate a zucchini for the first time.

Zbyněk Banán Hanko

+420 775 635 426

Banán always looks forward to the ‘boredom’ that kicks in about two hours after an even starts, when everything has been prepared, and things are running smoothly. In those moments, he can be seen strolling through the markets, enjoying the atmosphere, and talking with his friends selling their products and trying to figure out what else they could do together. But sometimes even he hides in the backstage and simply spends his time reading or sleeping.

Adéla Štěpánková

Public relations
+420 739 218 359

Adéla hlavně komunikuje, postuje, kliká, tvoří a na všechno si dělá tabulky, což je asi tak jediná známka toho, že má původně vystudovanou ekonomku. U nás má na starosti Facebook a kontakt s médii i partnery.
