MINT Market Plzeň no. 11


MINT Market Plzeň has reveled its next venue - DEPO2015! Czech independent market with fashion, jewelery, design and delicacies will be held on May 29 and 30 as part of Plzeň Design Week. The best shopping in the town!

Admission is as always free.

Do you want to cooperate with us and participate in the accompanying program? Send us an e-mail at

Opening hours

SA 10.00 - 18.00

SU 10.00 - 18.00

By boat

Areál je sice hned vedle řeky Radbuzy, ale lodí se sem bohužel tentokrát nedostanete.

By public transport

Nejblíž k DEPO2015 vás odveze trolejbus č. 10, 13 a 14 na zastávku U Radbuzy. Odtud už je to jen cca 300m do areálu (nejdřív po ulici Doudlevecká a potom odbočíte do ulice Presslova).

By car

Dorazit můžete i autem. Kde nejlépe zaparkovat najdete zde.


Lenka Šašková

The principal of the markets, the organisation and the communication with sellers
+420 728 230 430

Lenka does not like to be called a manager, so she decided to become the principal. It is quite true that MINT is more like a colourful circus than a big corporate company. Before taking over the organisation of the markets, she studied curatorship with a focus on design, founded ÝBRKÝBL: Fashion bazaar and ate a zucchini for the first time.

Omri Goz

Cultural attache
+420 608 774 441

Omri is involved in the majority of all exciting events and cultural projects that happen in Prague and the whole Czech Republic both ‘over and underground’, and that is why we have him on our team.

Adéla Štěpánková

Public relations
+420 739 218 359

Adéla hlavně komunikuje, postuje, kliká, tvoří a na všechno si dělá tabulky, což je asi tak jediná známka toho, že má původně vystudovanou ekonomku. U nás má na starosti Facebook a kontakt s médii i partnery.
